Alternative Method
All browsers allow you to change the size of web pages. On a windows machine ...
Press CTRL + to increase the font size.
Press CTRL - to decrease the font size.
Press CTRL 0 to reset the font size.
Go to and click on Register
Sign up with a valid email address.
An email will be sent and you will need to click on the provided link in the email to validate your account before you can login.
Until you have confirmed your email address you will not be able to login.
Before you can proceed to step 2 you need to ensure that you have completed step 1.
Go to and enter the username and password you've signed up with.
Click the 3 dots on the top left of the screen
Select the font size you would like. The page may be reloaded.
Click the 3 dots on the top left of the screen.
Towards the bottom of the side panel you should see a face icon. Click it.
Select the avatar you would like to use.
You may also change your Motto here (A small text description when someone clicks on your profile).
Remember: Click Submit to save. (You may reload the page)
Not a fan of the sounds that are made?
Click the 3 dots on the top left of the screen. Then click the sound icon to turn sound on or off
By default we don't display the time of posts. If you would like to turn time on or off?
Click the 3 dots and cycle through the three options
Should you want to write in bold? Type [b]your text[/b]
Please note you need an opening and a closing tag.
You don't! This is not the old Chat Blazer software. Please Private Chat the person instead.
On the Online column on the right hand side click a user
The message entry box should change to include their Username and the background should fade out.
Type your message. When you are done you can exit private chat by clicking back into the main window. Alternatively press Escape.
Sometimes we're not interested in hearing what someone has to say.
Never fear, don't let it stress you out. Click their profile and click the eye icon. This will ignore messages from them.
If you're chairing a meeting maybe you would like to format things a bit more.
When typing in the main message box you can press Shift Enter to create a line break.
You can create italic / bold / underlined text as follows
[b]Meeting coming up in approximately "[c=ff0000]60 minutes[/c]".... [/b] [b]Chair[/b]: Thing you sit on [b]Topic[/b]: Why we're talking about chairs [u]Welcomes[/u]: I for one welcome Chairs! [i]Acceptor of Bribes[/i]: [b]Jim[/b]
If you understand colour codes you can change the colour as well on your messages.
What to test it out? Why not click on your own username on the right hand column and send yourself a message.
Still have questions? Why not ask online. We're more than happy to help.